Lucky 9 Studios version 4.0

Every few years or so, it just feels like Lucky 9 Studios is due for a redesign. This is one of those times.  Using a brand new, advanced wordpress template, I’ve re-skinned my beloved online home from the ground up. What does this mean? Well, to keep it simple, here’s  a rundown of some of the highlights.


[list_square] [li]Speed! I’ve switched to a new webhost and server, meaning database queries should be noticeably faster. No longer does it take 30 seconds for the homepage to load. Progress![/li] [li]An organized html5 portfolio.  You easily can glance at all my work, instantly view different subcategories, and even leave comments if you’re so inclined.[/li] [li]A dedicated Films page.  All my narrative film work is featured on its own page, where you can easily watch, comment, and enjoy.[/li][li]Vimeo video hosting.  Yup…that’s right, just like all the cool kids out there, all my video files for the most part are now being run through the best video player on the web.[/li][li]A modern, sleek design. Let’s face it…the other template was getting a bit long in the tooth. This look is clean, simple, and stylish.[/li][/list_square]

Hope you enjoy the new site. There’s still a few kinks to work out, but in general, we should be firing on all cylinders. Lucky 9 is moving into the future!

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